I’m Steve Hughes, I’m a professional speaker, and I absolutely love what I do. I love the stage. The travel. The challenge. And most of all, I love seeing the eyes of my audience light up when they make a personal breakthrough.
My unexpected journey to professional speaking began when my brother-in-law issued a dare while we were enjoying a breakfast frittata. Yes, a frittata.
It was April 2003 and he dared me to do five minutes of stand-up comedy at local comedy club. I never considered doing stand-up and the prospect was daunting. But I accepted his challenge and that decision changed my life. While the “The Tonight Show” never called, a lawyer in Chicago did. He heard about me on the comedy circuit (I kept doing it “on the side”) and asked me this career-altering question, “Hey, Steve, could you come up to Chicago and make our lawyers funny?” I told him I couldn’t make someone funny anymore than I could make him/her taller. But what I could do was show them how to add humor to a presentation, how to tell a better story, and how to get people to pay attention when they talked. He said, “Okay,” and flew me up to Windy City.
After speaking at the law firm I returned home and said to my wife, “I think I found what I want to do for the rest of my life.” Happily, she was 100% supportive (but that’s no surprise, she’s the best person ever). So, I immediately quit the advertising agency and never looked back. So you could say that professional speaking found me (which is a heck of a lot better than being found by an IRS audit).
Which brings us to today. When I’m not on the road speaking at a conference, association, law firm, or Fortune 500 company, you can find me at one of my daughters’ tennis matches or cheerleading competitions. I’m also obsessed with home-improvement shows, really good BBQ, and the Kansas Jayhawks.
The moral of the story? The next time you’re out at breakfast and someone gives you a dare, do me a favor and say “yes.” You never know where it might lead.
I’d love to learn more about you. Let’s talk. 314-821-8700